One Size Fits All?

I graduated from college in June 2021. I felt like all my dreams were finally coming true — a job lined up before I graduated, a new apartment, and a new city were waiting for me the next week!

 When I began my first role post-grad, I found myself completing the same tasks every day. Wake up, go to work, file some papers, enter data, go home, repeat. There never seemed to be a time in the day for me to be creative and apply my ideas at work. This was someone’s dream, but not mine.

A lesson I learned was one size does not fit all, especially when it comes to careers. If you are not feeling fulfilled it is not your fault and it is perfectly okay. But what are some options before completely jumping ship?


1.         Identify what is making you unhappy

Make a list of the pros and cons of your current role. Assess the cons, are they solvable problems? Assess the pros, do they outweigh your cons? This list will help you develop a clear picture of your role.


2.         Keep Up the Good Work

Even though you may be unhappy in your role, keep up the good work! It can be difficult to give 100% when you aren’t feeling yourself. Try and remain positive while you make decisions on your next step. When you keep working hard and may leave your job, you can keep good references!


3.         Set a Timeline

If you have just started a new job, give yourself a reasonable timeline to see if things improve. Give yourself time to get to know your supervisor, coworkers, and your job. When you reach the end of your timeline, see if you feel better about your position.


4.         Network

Network both inside and outside of your company. Find a mentor and meet new people at your current company! A workplace can feel more comfortable when you know more people. As always, continue to network outside of your company! This can help if you decide to explore other options.

Quitting isn’t always an option for everyone whether you have personal or financial commitments. Try using some of these strategies to continue in your role. If you do leave your role, take everything as a learning experience and know that one size does not fit all.


So you have to give a presentation