My Local DEI Pledge Event
Kierstin Konyha Kierstin Konyha

My Local DEI Pledge Event

Last week, my DEI pledge event kicked off. The participation was great and I had the most fun I have had in awhile at work.

Like all events, there was lots of behind the scenes work being done for weeks in preparation. I wanted to share some of that work and the thought processes behind it!

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The Hard Process of Creating a DEI Event  Committee
Kierstin Konyha Kierstin Konyha

The Hard Process of Creating a DEI Event Committee

There are many humbling experiences in life like thinking you could handle an hour-long cross fit class after not exercising for 6 months or realizing that you are getting older and the younger generation is better at technology…

One humbling experience I was not expecting was the ups and downs of trying to create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee.

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One Size Fits All?
Kierstin Konyha Kierstin Konyha

One Size Fits All?

A lesson I learned was one size does not fit all, especially when it comes to careers. If you are not feeling fulfilled it is not your fault and it is perfectly okay. But what are some options before completely jumping ship?

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I have lots of thoughts and ideas everyday that you wouldn’t want to miss reading about.